Southern Bridal Show Booth @ Jim Graham Building / NC Fairgrounds

I was a vendor this weekend at the Southern Bridal Show at the NC State Fairgrounds.  This is one of the Forever Bridal shows that occur periodically throughout the year.  I met a huge amount of brides and thought there was a great turn out.  Some of my previous clients came and helped me work the booth this year.  It was such a joy to spend some time with them and I was very touched that they would take the time and spend the effort to help me out.

My booth this time was a 10×20 size and I feel like that was a better choice.  I was able to have a nice sitting area to let brides stop and view my albums and learn about my services.

If I met you at the show and you are interested in learning more, please contact me; I’d love to do a no-obligation consultation with you.

Southern Bridal Show BoothSee a Google Pano that I did of my booth as well: